We send the order to the right store at the right time
Just bag it and hand it!

Order is placed by the customer

Get notified of the order with enough time to keep it ready

Get notified when the customer approaches the store, to step out to the designated area and handover the items.

Provide Drive In Drive Out Convenience
Your customers can be in and out of your premises in a matter of seconds. Our multiple tech innovations are involved in providing this experience. We pride ourselves on our algorithms which notify the stores when the customer is approaching so you can keep your order ready at the right time.
Along the route discovery
Based on our work in the geo mapping industry over the past few years, we are able to predict whether a particular store is on the right or left side of the road for users travelling to their destination. This enables us to suggest the perfect store for a user to perform a curb side pickup in the most convenient way possible.

Frictionless fulfilment (Indoor mapping)
Our in-store inventory geo location tagging and our algorithm ORGANIZE helps the store personnel to bag items in the most optimised way with least running around, thus enabling to serve many GrabbnGo customers in a short time. We understand serving customers inside the store runs in parallel to catering to curb side pickup customers. To make this process more efficient we geo map your store’s inventory and use our algorithm to inform your people on the ground the most efficient order in which all items for an order can be put together.
Just In Time Ordering
We understand that different items ordered by a customer need to be handled in different ways. A box of ice cream cannot be treated like a box of cereal. Keeping this in mind we work closely with you and use our patent pending technology Just in time ordering (JITO) to remove all ambiguity at your end on when to bag items. We send the customer order to the right store and at the right time. Just Bag it and Hand it!

Increase SSSG
Make grocery shopping as convenient as a drive thru coffee shop.

Beat same day delivery
Customers can have their orders fulfilled within an hour and pick them up as they pass by your store

Improve app engagement
Enabling curbside pickup on your app would result in a larger and more loyal app install base.